Hey everyone, 🌐 Ever wondered what happens when creativity meets AI? Well, get ready to find out as I embark on a fun-filled, experimental journey to bring you Turbo Todd, Turbo's quirky and lovable brother, all powered by ChatGPT!
🌟 Meet Turbo Todd - Our new character, Turbo Todd, is a witty and weary yellow toad with a heart of gold. Thrust from solitude into the spotlight, Todd cleverly masks his social jitters with self-deprecating humor. Born from the depths of hardship, his sharp intellect was his ladder out of despair. Now, with every rib-tickling jest, he's on a mission to be the beacon of joy in a world that desperately needs a smile.

🎨 Design Journey - Wanting to expand the Turbo Toad family, I experimented with various AI tools like Midjourney and Firefly AI to create flat color yellow toad illustrations. After much trial and error, I found the perfect style using DALLE-3 in ChatGPT, combined with some manual Photoshop editing to refine the visuals.

🌐 Ethereum Launch - Here’s the kicker: Turbo Todd $TODD is the first character in the Turbo family to be launched on Ethereum! This means unique digital assets and an interactive experience like never before.
Inspiration - Inspired by a yellow toad, I aimed to create a character that expands the Turbo Toad family.
AI Collaboration - Using Midjourney, Firefly AI, and ultimately DALLE-3 in ChatGPT, I crafted the base visuals.
Manual Editing - A little Photoshop magic helped solidify Todd’s visual style.
Personality Input - Feeding specific traits into GPT gave us Turbo Todd’s unique personality.
Community Vote - After some brainstorming and your votes, ‘Turbo Todd’ was chosen as the official name.